
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Round o Round Pangkor Island..1st night

Lucky6 looked for the night life in Pangkor, Encle said.. "My little fren ahh, where got night life in Pangkor, just go to sea side and enjoy the natural beauty lahh.."..

feel shamed shamed.. hahaha.. after taking bath, so decided to walk walk..
True, god built this natural beauty for us to RELAx... However, we look for the one that need to PAY$$$ to relax? stupid right?

we reached the seaside...

~close my eyes.. enjoy the sound of waves.. enjoy the water to wash my legs.. enjoy the feeling without shoes on the beach.. enjoy the wind blowing on my face..~

~how i wish these all will just Let go all my painful, hurts, worries and etc... How i wish it could just bring the joyful and happiness into my life again and let my days transform to bringhter i wish my dream will come true one day.. ~

No stars in the sky..

but in my heart the stars never let go.. just we do not see, doesnt mean there are not around....
sometimes, the happiness is there, just we forget and too lost of ourselves and do not see it..

I started to get back my way.. the way towards Happiness..

i saw a little girl with her family by the road side.. she so cute.. i didnt wanna lose any chance to get myself happy, so i asked the permission for taking picture with the little girl.. she so shy.. but she so cute and FREN with me..

she let me hold her.. hold her hands and said "CHEESE"... i taught her how to "yEAh".. then.. she followed me.. and "yeAh" with me.. cute little girl.. i just like her very much.. as she just so NEw to me, but i could feel she trusted on me.. she brought me joyful.. so touch.. Thanks, little girl. and also thanks camera girl, belle..kekekeke..

On the way back to resort, passby the lounge, the disco is "alive" with music.. so, lucky6 members sure wanna have a look, hunt sth.. but sigh... :( nothing to hunt.. better go back resort to play some games.. drink beers...

Really had fun the whole day night.. Lucky6.. really lucky to have u guys to accompany for this trip.. Drunk and zZZZzzz...

so ugly sleeping style.. :p

Monday, November 13, 2006

Such a wonderful night with beloved friends

We spent 4 hours instead of 2 hours to reach Ipoh, and finally reached Lumut and the Pelabuhan....really fun ride and felt a little stupid...because we didn't know the exact road, just simply bumped bumped and finally able to reach Pulau Pangkor. Can really consider us as very smart already, kkekekekkeke

On the first night when we were at the apartment, I think the most happy time, was when we were playing the game Truth Or Dare. It was the 2nd time I played the game in my whole life....when started, we started asking questions, especially Jane and Carson with lots of funny, but interesting questions to ask the victim....kkekekekeke

At first, Huey Yee, Hwa and Amos drank 1 or 2 drinks...while Jane, Carson and I never drank a drop in the game. We asked lots of crazy questions including when each of us lost our virginity, who was the one we loved, how much, etc....kakakakakak......esp. when we throw those questions about virginity to Jane, Amos and myself, and also thrown the questions of who was loved to Huey Yee, Carson and Nichole....really really so funny, and we couldn't wait to have the next victim and to ask the next interesting question each time..

Sometimes, when the question was thrown to Jane, I myself also told my own things, and sometimes when the question was thrown to me, Jane or others also wanted to share and told lots and lots of things....At that time, Jane and Amos also mentioned that it was very very good feelings, because we felt so transparent, by being honest and to tell everything about ourselves to each other....OH WOW....that was such fantastic moment, and really really so unforgetable....I love each of you all..muak muak muaxxxxxx...................

After that, we also started to play another game...dunno what it's called. We played by placing the card on our foreheads, and then by guessing whose card had the smallest or biggest amount, that person would have to drink. So, we had to guess and wished that it wasn't ourselves who had to drink, and kept on pouring more and more beer into the glasses. At the end, the most unexpected person had to drink, and really had no idea that he/she was the loser in the damn funny...kakkakakakakakak I also had to drink a few times in the game, and I kept complaining that my stomach was very very big that night...hhhahahahaha....

One part that is very unforgetable is when Jane laughed very, very loudly pointing her finger at Amos, and then that was the time when Amos was pouring beer into the glass. That made Amos suddenly aware and suspected that his card would make him the loser, and Amos cried out "Don't want to play, start all over again!!!!", but we didn't let him do it, and we continued that round and made Amos drank that big glass of beer...kakkakkakakak

That was such wonderful night that we the Lucky Ones had......:-)

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Wuy.. a lot of things planning last mins...

Pangkor? such an good idea for Hari Raya & Deepavali holidays.. it tooks almost 1 whole week.. dont wanna waste it..

decided to take bus, but seats not available for 6 of us, Amos, Huey Yee, Belle, Swee Hwa, Carlson and jane.. hahaha...

so, just "diedie" to take our own cars.. Amos's Kenali & Jane's Kelisa..

21th Oct, met up early in the morning to have breakfast.. discussion how to go.. using which highway.. OMG!! finally, no body know how to go to Pangkor.. just know we should travel to Lumut first...

Belle called her friends, Jane called her friends, everybody just busy to make calls to ask the direction.. How funny r we? Dint expect this funny, stupid things happen.. so,just "agak agak" lohh..

1st, followed the sign of "IPOH".. then Go..oh.Go..

Took almost 1 hrs, feeling weird, dont know where v r.. shit, wrong way.. we entered to the OLD IPOH ROAD.. and jammed in Tanjung Malim.. what lahh!!!my god.. really really my god..
so, tried to turn to highway.. OK,2 hrs stucked there.. so, on the right way to IPOH.. good good good..

but, jammed in the highway..

funny jane, using the scaft to cover the head.. looked alike Malay.. and belle kept on feeding this "Malay" lady with snack foods, drinks... Heyhey, dint realized the period still Fasting Period.. No wonder lot of ppl looking at us from the cars next to us, damn funny and stupid Enough.. we thought ourselves so Pretty girls then only ppl look at us.. shit..Kakkakaaakaak we made the mistake.. Luckily didnt stopped by Polis.. MALAY Girl eating during fasting period..
